The First Nations Unicode Font, developed by UBC FNEL Program under the auspices of the UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF), is available to anyone with the goal of promoting documentation of and literacy in First Nations languages.
The First Nations Unicode Font [FNuni_v2.3] allows you to see and type certain characters used in First Nations languages. These characters will only display if you install the font on your computer.
You may find it difficult to download the font using Google Chrome or Safari. Please use Firefox or Microsoft Edge instead.
You can download First Nations Unicode Font for Windows or Macintosh by clicking these links:
First Nations Unicode Font for WINDOWS
Unzip the file into a separate folder. (To unzip, right click the file and select “extract all.”) Follow the instructions in “First Nations Unicode Windows readme.”
First Nations Unicode Font for MACINTOSH
Unzip the file (by double clicking it). Follow the instructions in “First Nations Unicode Mac readme.”